Old Soul

Many people who know me, tell me I have an “Old Soul.”  I tend to agree.  When I was a young child my sister and I would get in hair-pulling fights over the remote control because I would prefer to watch the Saturday morning broadcast news instead of Saturday morning cartoons.  I would watch Christopher Lowell’s interior design shows and tell my mother how we needed to trade in our cellular blinds for pretty roman shades.  In high school when everyone was obsessed with showing off their belly button ring with a mid-driff shirt I was trying to emulate Jackie O’s wardrobe. When I was studying abroad in Europe at the age of 19, I was spending my money on Danish candle stick holders and tea sets for my home that didn’t yet exist.

I want to share my love of decorating and gardening with new people.

Here’s to a new journey!


Marissa and Cameron standing in front of the arbor they built for their wisteria vine.

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